Direction indicators
Company «System of Comfort» is pleased to offer all its customers the production of direction ofindicators.
Time of production for all direction indicators - from 1 working day, after layout approval, depending on production complexity
Direction indicators are a special category of indicators, which today is very popular and characterized with high demand. The big plus of these products is that they can be used with impressive success both for strictly informative purposes, and for advertising purposes, or to combine features of the first and second types.
Most often such indicators are placed directly on the path of the human stream, informing passers about the location of the company or the forthcoming event: exhibition, seminar, etc. In addition, these indicators are simply indispensable in large shopping and business centers, when it is necessary to orient visitors around the territory and facilities located on it.
In other words, the order for the production of direction of indicators in the Company «System of Comfort» (Moscow, m. Vodniy Stadion) will allow you to solve several tasks at the same time: to indicate the right direction to the person, having determined his location, as well as to attract attention as an advertising carrier. Thus, nameplates-indicators can perform several functions at the same time - everything depends only on the purpose, that the customer will pursue by installing them.